Good workouts for someone with bad knees

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    I have bad knees. I think it’s due to the weight, but I’ve always had knee problems, even when I was skinny as a teen. So I could be wrong. Either way, my knees are going to be trouble when it comes to working out, and I need to start doing exactly that. Can you give me tips and workouts that are good for people with bad knees? Anything that can help me get a good workout, but won’t cause too much pain on my knee.

    I appreciate this so much!


    Swimming is a good low impact workout you can do that won’t bother your knees. Step-ups is also good for your knees, helps build those muscles around the knees. Also, I highly recommend trying Yogo, it can be a lifesaver for some with bad knees. Squats are also low impact on the knees.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Jerry3882.

    You could get P90X and take out the leg exercises and plyometrics. A lot of those workouts have good yoga, stretching, cardio burning workouts. Honestly P90X would be great! But you would have to modify for yourself and take anything out that would hurt your knee.


    Like Jerry said, swimming is good. I used to have a lot of knee pain and I found that riding a bike or stationary bike seemed to be way, way easier on my joints than running.

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