Tag: Workout

bigger legs for women

How to Build Bigger Legs

If you’re looking to build bigger legs, you’re in the right place. Strong, muscular legs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional for everyday life and look great with six pack abs! From squats to lunges to deadlifts, there are plenty of exercises that will help you build bigger, stronger legs. In this article, we’ll discuss how to build bigger legs, from the exercises you should be doing to the nutrition you need to fuel your gains.

quarantine abs for covid-19

Three Effective Quarantine Exercises to do for Abs

Right now, many of us are either locked down, social isolating, or in quarantine in order to slow/eradicate the pandemic that is Covid-19. Because of this, thoughts of summer beach days are a long way...

Bent Leg Crunch

My Top 4 At-Gym Flat Stomach Exercises

Just started going to the gym? Interested in working on your mid-section to burn fat and tone your stomach to get that perfect six pack abs but not sure where to start? Shredding fat around your stomach...

plank exercise

My Top 3 At-Home Flat Stomach Exercises

Despite the fact that for many of us, summer may feel like a lifetime away, time is passing by incredibly quickly, and if you want to be in your best shape yet come summer, it’s important to get to work...

Skipping Rope at Gym

Benefits of Rope Skipping

Walk into any commercial gym or CrossFit Box (that’s the technical term for a CrossFit gym) with a decent amount of open space, and you’ll likely find people using a skipping rope as part of their...

group exercise

Benefits of Group Exercise

Everyone aims for healthy body and want to lose weight without torturing themselves with these diets. But with the right strategy it’s possible to have that perfect six pack abs and body you’ve always...

Tips for 2020

3 Simple Fat Loss Hacks for 2020

As hard to believe as it may be, we’re now into another New Year, and more importantly, a new decade. With the festive season now a distant memory, many of you will be looking to start the new year on...

Pushups for Six Pack Abs

Easy Home Workout Exercises

Whether you want to be shredded and flaunt a set of six pack abs the next time you’re at the beach, or if you’re simply looking for ways of getting a little leaner and healthier, you’ll know that...